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Graduates of Oregon School for the Deaf
Enjoy these pictures of our alumni on their graduation night
Please Contact us if you feel somebody is missing from your year or somebody's name is misspelled.
Class of 1898
Nina Poatland
Cordelia Wallace
Hina Maston
(No picture frame in H.S. Hallway)
Class of 1904
Bird L. Craven
William McClain
(No picture frame in H.S. Hallway)
Class of 1906
Ethel Grace Smith
Burga Zumkeller
Emory E. Vison
Hazel L. Hawley
Ethel M. Morton
Lotus Valentine
Class of 1907
Henry Gardner
(No picture frame in H.S. Hallway)
Class of 1909
Ruth R. Thomas
Grace Smith
(No picture frame in HS Hallway)
Class of 1910
Benjamin Wallace
Grace Kau
Frank T. Emerick
Class of 1911
Fay E. Newth
Charles A. Lynch
Class of 1912
Mattie McCain
Ruba Westfall
Leora Hughes
Class of 1916
Stella Benson
Clyde H. Walker
Frank E. Thayer
Gerald D. Tussing
George W. Fromm
Lila Hardy
Leonide Watson
Julia Dodd
Class of 1918
Rosalie Henrickson
Edwin Hill
Selma Hagen
Milton Berry
Daisy Morrison
Class of 1920
Erna Lahme
Irene V. Dixon
Pearl Lunday
Winnifred M. Gandy
Leslie Duggan
Grace Hostetler
Cleo Vineyard
Class of 1923
Miles H. Sanders
Frank Drapela
Howard C. Taylor
Class of 1924
Bonita Tussing
Alga A. Olhus
Echo E. Gardner
Virginia Winn
Class of 1925
Henry Brelje
Theodore Brickley
Alice Campbell
Allie Campbell
Hilda Hughes
Ray Hummel
Lois Palmer
Lester Peterson
Class of 1926
Evert Yaeger
Class of 1927
Cassie M. Cameron
Francis O. Holmes
Lloyd J. Hudson
Leila V. Rowe
Lurline Wilkinson
Class of 1930
Zelma Barell
Alice Beach
Lucille Kau
Clarence Jenkins
Georgiana Krepela
Lyle McQuary
Stewart Turnball
Class of 1931
Herman Brekke
Reinard Akesson
Margaret Cupper
Paul Fest
Alpha Fleenor
Francis Grote
Eugene Rankin
Alexander Service
Rowena Smith
Virginia Stacks
Albert Wieman
Leylan Wood
Class of 1932
Clara Nadine Bauer
Genevieve Buchanan
Irene M. Huitt
Stephen W. Huitt
Irene L. Lance
Gladys L. Linn
Thetta B. McPeek
Agnes M. Peterson
Leo J. Prange
Leo B. Willoughby
Class of 1933
Kathleen I. Doherty
Stanley P. Farris
Marion L. Huitt
Zelma M. Kitchen
Anna Litzepernick
Olga Litzepernick
Wythel R. Montague
Margaret M. Morgan
Sylvia E. Perkins
Sophia L. Ratzeyzak
Mabel R. Shaffer
Beatrice Spencer
Class of 1936
Roy E. Babcock
Joan L. Earle
Iva J. Holl
Osmo R. Lahti
Donald A. Newmann
Joseph Ruchek
William J. Sajovec
Walter Stenman
Class of 1938
Velma Echols
Leonard L. Beaman
Class of 1939
James A. Drake
John W. Engblom
Lois M. Fisk
Kenneth O. Jamieson
Marjorie E. McDaniel
Lavonne L. McLane
Patricia J. Shorb
Charles F. Smith
Edwin H. Stortz
Class of 1940
Fritze O. Akesson
Lois M. Barton
Albert G. Bowman
Norman G. Cameron
Theodore L. Cochran
Edwin J. Ellingsen
Alfred C. Hemphill
Waldron P. Hillpot
Nancy A. Johanson
Ruth M. Kraus
Earl E. Moxley
Gloria J. Northway
Wayne Shaffer
Bertha H. Wieman
Alice H. Wright
Class of 1941
Harold F. Blakely
Wade L. Egelston
Ray L. Fleck
Helen E. Holland
Calvin W. Johanson
James C. McKnight
Kenneth W. Miller
John T. Morgan
Ralph Shears
Ethel M. Shelton
Wayne E. Sparks
Fred A. Tartarini
Nellie P. Walker
Class of 1942
Rocksien L. Conrow
Romeo F. Dare
Cleo V. Hood
Kathryn P. McDaniel
Emma M. Mussman
Betty M. Young
Class of 1943
Ina M. Cameron
Irving R. Jordan
Glenn H. Welch
Gloria A. White
Class of 1944
Clyde R. Ketchum
Lewis H. Kuenzi
Reta J. Toombs
Marguerite Troyer
Betty L.. Turner
Beverly Jean Pettit
(Missing from HS Hallway)
Class of 1945
Ilomay Burns
Henry E. Johnson
Merle E. Johnson
Ruth A. Root
Martha Stutzman
Georgia E. Ward
Carl Lyle Bascue
Class of 1946
Edgar L. Blakely
Marion L. Cutler
Jeannine M. DeVine
William E. Foren
Doris M. Grover
Morris H. Harrison
Daniel P. Heiken
William J. Jackson
Ruth M. Lapham
Lucille L. Slater
Alberta Kofford
Ruth C. Wallstrum
Beverly I. Weatherspoon
Class of 1948
Carolyn M. Burk
Dale W. Johnson
Eleanor J. Bews
Frances H. Gowey
Lois L. Powell
Maxine D. Neil
Myrtle L. Keys
Robert E. Dennis
Virginia T. Jacobson
Class of 1949
Beverly J. Baird
Marjorie Batholomew
Frances J. Bishop
LaVerne J. Brown
Theodore Ellison
Carol P. Harwood
James B. Kluver
Clayton L. Roth
Erwin D. Shepherd
Royal S. Teets
LaVera A. Wallstrum
Class of 1951
Beverly Harper
Helen Isakson
Billie LaBlue
Charles Martin
Jerry Smith
Betty Thompson
Darwin Wallstrum
Ruth Whiteman
Class of 1952
Keith Bowers
Juanita Butler
James Dahlquist
Eloise Gienger
Robert Hyatt
Dorothy Nelson
Audrenne Ross
Nedra Schulke
Class of 1953
Kenneth Colley
Wallace Colley
Roy McCann
Phyllis Nelson
Jacqueline Quiring
Naomi Ross
Carol Todd
William Walker
Class of 1954
Larry Applebee
Carol Bender
Janice Brekke
Dorothy Linden
David Maynard
Suzanne Templeton
Thomas Whittle
Class of 1955
Carla Brown
Jerry Ebensteiner
George Ellis
Kathryn Fleck
Dollie Gessner
Roland Holmes
Earl Lewis
Henry Nelson
Frances Owens
Wanda Rech
Robert Sohler
Nellie Starkey
Joan White
Class of 1957
Roger Bixel
Tyro Elliott
Harold Godat
Anne LaBore
James Moad
Judy Reeves
George Scheler
Penny Smith
Class of 1958
Myron Beyl
Leo McQueen
Melvin Rich
Judith Ross
Bunola Silverthorne
Brenda Sult
Delvin Thompson
Jeanette Taylor
David Wood
Class of 1959
Jack Aaron
William Britton
LaVern Buckley
Shelby Caudle
Melvin Christian
Joyce Cree
Gail Dement
Barbara Gentry
James Hawkins
Ann Homenyk
Sandra Hopkins
Vickie Hughson
Leslie Lawer
Michael Mesi
Margaret Mitchell
Ralph Gary Moss
Karen Oviatt
James Rankins
Charlotte Towell
Class of 1960
Virginia Ballard
Dennis Bookshnis
Judith Buckley
Perry Colley
Bonnie Hensley
Gary Kerber
Carol Murphy
Daniel Poage
Leo Reid
Class of 1961
William Baim
Kathleen Earl
Leslie Gaffney
Eugene Gehm
Patricia Krick
Nona Srader
Sharon Williams
Edward Woods
Class of 1963
Duane Glenn
Brian Powers
Class of 1965
Kenneth Brown
William Butler
Lawrence Bush
Patricia Davis
Floyd Duval
Constance Fisher
Richard Greear
Marshall Munro
Susan Suter
Rose Ternes
Robert Webster
Class of 1966
Louis Kinzer
Paul Torvend
Class of 1967
Celia Bagley
Anna Baldwin
Jack Bargeron
Ronald Bell
Reba Britt
Donald Burks
Karen Cretsinger
Paul Gehm
Rodney Kerber
Patrick Leary
Gene Maugh
Douglas McLeod
Anita Meunier
Virginia Olson
Susan Perkins
Class of 1968
William Baker
Sandra Brittan
Robert Cayton
Fred Farrior, Jr.
Michael Greear
Gerald Lane
Aaron May
Denis Meunier
Richard Olson
Robert Olson
Kelly Shaw
Sandra Warren
Class of 1969
John Anthony
Barbara Bentley
Forrest Brown
Barbara Kuhn
Charlene LaBore
Janice Nedelisky
Richard Olsen
John Schwejda
Wayne Sirois
Caroline Williams
Michael Worstell
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